Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pumpkins, Costumes, Apples and Everything Fall

Lots of fun soccer for Alli...including her her first over
 night out of town trip.  They even painted the windows of the cars
with their numbers and team name. 

A football injury sent us to the ER for some "glue"
stitches...hey wait I thought this was

And of course fall would not be complete without a beautiful
sunny afternoon at Greenbluff.  We hunted for the
perfect pumpkins and tasted yummy apples.
The best part of the day though was seeing
one of our favorite teachers and orchard owner :)

Creating the perfect Jack-o-lanterns

Lunch with Papa Lanny and Ella...we will be a lot
bigger when they get home from AZ in the spring

We have lots of great friends in our neighborhood. 
Jeter and Cooper got right to work one day
after school....since they we had to get
homework done before getting down and dirty
in the daily neighborhood football game.

Quicny helped her good friend celebrate her birthday
Happy 4th birthday Jaycee :)

Who knew....guess Quincy will be asking
Santa for a 4WW (physical therapist speak
for a 4 wheeled walker)

And of course we rounded out October as a warewolf, black cat,
red ninja (not to be confused with last years white ninja)
and sweet dorothy.  Kendall joined us too playing the
part of "cutest pumpkin ever"

Hope you all had a fabulous October.  Here's to counting our
blessings in November (which we would never be able
to do it justice).  See you then....