Saturday, September 3, 2011

Here We Go...

Well I finally caved into the world of blogging (thanks Meghan). The kicker for me was seeing the cute books you can order from your blog. What a great way for me to get my pictures organized and create some memories for my kids (since I no longer have time to scrapbook on a regular basis, or even get to michaels to see the cute new papers and stuff). So anyway, my plan is to blog at the end of each month (sorry guys, yes only 1x/month) as a quick update of our family. So you can look for our next post the end of Sept with some great back to school, soccer, football, and dance photos.

I am calling our blog "Zone Defense" as that is what Alex began describing our family strategy as we went from 2 to 3 to 4 kids. Also the pace of our life really does mimic that of a great college (UW if Alex was picking) basketball game. GOOD THING I REALLY ENJOY SPORTS....

1 comment:

  1. This is my new favorite blog to follow :) I think you're going to love this way to document your life in pictures and journaling. And I think I'm going to love reading about the adventures of the Schuerman clan. I love your description of the kids on the sidebar. They are perfect :) WOo HOo...Welcome to blogging!
